Lawton Tubes
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

18th March 2021 – Introduction from the Managing Director

Slavery and human trafficking are blight on our global society and we will not tolerate forced labour of any sort within our operations. We all have a responsibly to be alert to the risks, however small, both in our businesses and in the wider supply chain. Employees are expected to report any concerns and management are expected to act upon such concerns without delay.

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This Statement is prepared in order to give guidance and instruction on the minimum standards acceptable to our UK businesses in the manufacture of components and raw materials supplied to our companies and of finished products.

The Company recognises its moral and legal responsibility with regards to modern slavery and human trafficking and will endeavour to ensure no such activities arise in the operation of our business. Our aim is to achieve the highest ethical standards with regards to modern slavery and human trafficking and as a minimum, we will comply with all relevant legislation and we will achieve this with the cooperation of all our staff. All our UK businesses comply with Lawton Tube Ethical Code of Practice for Supply Sites Outside of the European Union.

Continual improvement in the area of business ethics is supported by the measurement of our performance by internal auditing and reporting. Additionally, Management will periodically review this policy and will do so especially in the event of any major organisational changes, new legislation or serious breaches of the policy.

The Organisation
Within the UK, our business manufactures and distributes copper tube and associated products for the heating, plumbing, refrigeration and engineering industries.

Our Supply Chains
Our supply chains include local, national and international partners and the Company will not knowingly do business with parties who violate applicable laws and regulations, including local, environmental and employment laws.

Ethical Modern Slavery Act Declaration May 2022
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